Saturday, August 23, 2014

Curriculum arrived!

Wow, we have been SO busy! I researched, ordered and received our curriculum! And we're putting the final touches on our "classroom". It's been a very long week of getting everything together, rearranging our playroom and making sure I have everything ready for Monday!

Buddy had a physical therapy eval to see if he will be joining his sister in therapeutic yoga class offered by our children's hospital (and yes, he will be!). Now we're waiting to finalize Buddy's OT schedule, Pinkie's Speech schedule, and their swimming class.

All of their therapies are one of the big reasons we wanted to homeschool, I don't know how we would fit all these things in with traditional schooling.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

First day as a homeschooling mama

Hi all. I wanted to create a blog to document our journey down this exciting and scary road! Yesterday we were mostly forced in to this decision by our school district who didn't have room for us at our home school and wanted to bus our children to another school. That just wouldn't work for Pinkie and Buddy, so I decided that we would homeschool.

I went out last night and bought some supplies, two desks, dry erase boards, a lamp and started getting our space ready! Today I finished up all of our supply shopping, joined some FaceBook groups for homeschooling parents and Dad built our desks!

Now we have to figure out which brand of curriculum we're going to use and finalize our plan of attack.

Overall, we are all very excited about this! It feels so right for us to take this road and with our friends and families support, I know we'll be successful.